yahh..month of april seems to me a lot of beatiful n awesome activities organized by my fellow shift colleague..few times bbq **can say simple but meaningful bbq**..
on the 16/4 to 18/4, my senior, my boss n i went to ulu baram..if u asked me where's and what's the name of the places, myself cannot recall it..
long lapok, bakong, sg.tinjar, long san, kg.selungoh, long tungan, long assai and the last stop
lio mato..got few more names, 'lupak' already..
unlucky @ no "nasib" for us bcause most of the planning activities cancelled due to un'sporting' wheather..during day time, sunny day but when comes to night time, the rain start to fall heavily..huhu..probaly will organize again on July depending on the wheather and $$$..mayb going to bario using 4wd..for sure great adventure..
yeah~~~will update some pics here..~~